About Us

The Samford Community Hub is the culmination of over ten years of lobbying and work done by various groups – who all wanted a space for the not-for-profits and community groups in the Samford and districts area.


This community space will be a thriving hub for both residents and visitors to enjoy through the provision of multiple community activities in a new facility located within the attractive Samford Parklands setting. In addition to supporting local community organisations, this hub will also produce long-term economic benefits to the region as it will also support business incubation which in turn will drive economic growth and create local jobs.


This $4.5 million dollar project was jointly funded with $2.25 million in funding from the Australian Government and the Moreton Bay Regional Council.


The facility is intended to support a diverse range of community activities and comprises a community library, shared offices, a kitchen and food distribution centre, amenities and meeting spaces with operable walls that can also function as a multi-purpose community pavilion space. Generous verandah breakout spaces surround the entire building.

Samford Hub Exterior

A Place For Everybody

To say this was a community effort is an understatement.  From local councillors who worked tirelessly to secure the site for the community and keep it away from developers, to community groups spearheaded by determined individuals who just refused to give up, to all the people who were passionate about one thing or another that the centre would house – this is the building built by Samford and is now “A Place for Everyone in the Community.”

Ongoing Management

The building is managed by Moreton Bay Regional Council and the hall hire is managed by SDPPA (Samford & Districts Progress & Protection Association.) As a non-profit association, once running costs and maintenance levy have been paid out of the hire fees, any money left over at year end will be distributed back to reimburse stakeholders, with additional funds going back to regular community group hirers.  

Stakeholders & Tenants

Our state-of-the-art community centre houses several stakeholders- Meals On Wheels and Samford Support Network, a permanent tenant- The Carers Foundation, plus a host of community and not-for-profit groups.  A hub for Samford’s volunteers, it is also the ideal place for local residents to meet, engage on projects with one another and bring our community together.

Samford Support Network

services For 4520 residents

Support for the disabled, elderly & those struggling financially / in health matters.  Learn More

Meals On Wheels 

Services for the pine rivers area

Meals for seniors, carers, disabled, disadvantaged & outpatients.  Learn More

The Carers Foundation

Support for local unpaid carers

Unique wellness programs to support the emotional, physical and mental wellbeing of unpaid carers.  Learn More

Book a room or space

This is a community hub for everyone - including not-for-profits and community groups

Hub Samford Community
Samford Hub
Samford Community Kitchen
Samford Hub Verandah
Samford Hub Building